Almighty Support Engineer
The ASE in ASE-Net is an abbreviation of “Almighty Support Engineer.”
It is our hope to assist customers across a wide range of sectors.
The ASE in ASE-Net is an abbreviation of “Almighty Support Engineer.”
It is our hope to assist customers across a wide range of sectors.
PHILOSOPHY Corporate Philosophy
We put customers first when we think and act, we are thankful for "connections" with our customers, and we strive to provide reliable quality and technology to achieve maximum customer confidence and satisfaction.
We believe that valuing the dignity, lives, and happiness of all of our employees will “connect” us
to further growth and employee improvement and give us confidence
in our ability to contribute to the further progress and development of society.
- Company Name ASE-Net Co., Ltd.
- Established
- Capital 30,000,000 yen
Head Office
1F Asai Building, 6-21-15 Nishikasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-0088, Japan
TEL: +81-3-5675-7305 FAX: +81-3-5675-7345 -
West Japan Branch
8F Mitsuisenba Building, 1-2-8 Bakuromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0059, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6282-7242 FAX: +81-6-6282-7243 -
Katsuji Furuichi, Chief Executive Officer
Daichi Shimizu, Director
Takeshi Sugihara, Director - Business Description General LAN construction, electrical construction, security construction
Electrical Engineering, Governor of Tokyo License (General 2) No. 125334
Telecommunication Engineering, Governor of Tokyo License (Special 4) No. 125334
Worker Dispatching Business License HA13-314127
Fee-charging Employment Placement Business License 13-YU-310865 - Bank of Account Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Nishikasai Branch; Higashi-Nippon Bank, Ltd., Edogawa Branch; The Chiba Bank, Ltd., Kasai Branch; Asahi Shinkin Bank, Higashikasai Branch
Member Organizations
Corporate Member of BICSI Japan
ISO/IEC27001 (ISMS) certification obtained, Certification Registration No. IS685213
HISTORY Company History
Established as NND, LLC
Capital increased to 10 million yen
Company name changed to ASE-Net Co., Ltd.
Kasai Office opened
Construction and Electrical Engineering licenses obtained
Head Office moved to accommodate business expansion
Telecommunications Engineering license obtained
Joined BICSI Japan as a corporate member
Head Office moved to accommodate business expansion
Osaka Office prep office opened
West Japan Branch opened in Osaka
ISO27001(ISMS)certification obtained
Capital increased to 30 million yen
Worker Dispatching Business and Fee-charging Employment Placement Business licenses obtained
West Japan Branch moved to accommodate business expansion
Telecommunications business special construction license obtained
ACCESS Access Map
A 6-minute walk from Matsuyamachi Station on the Metro Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line
SECURITY Information Security Basic Policy
We construct Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), strive to protect all of the information assets
we handle to prevent information security accidents, and work to achieve continuous ISMS enhancements.
To earn the trust of local communities and customers,
we have established, and promote the implementation of, an “ISMS Basic Policy.”
Chief Executive Officer, ASE-Net Co., Ltd.
July 1, 2019
ISMS ISMS Basic policy
- 1.目的 お客様の信頼を得る為、「顧客情報を外部に漏えいさせない」をモットーに情報セキュリティを確立し、社会的責任を果たすと共に継続的なサービス向上を目指す事で当社の発展及び継続に繋がると考えています。また事故発生時には迅速な解決と再発防止の対応を行います。
- 2.適用範囲 本基本方針は、全従業員と保有する情報資産すべてに適用します。具体的に適用する業務・組織・拠点についてはISMSマニュアルに記載します。
- 3.情報セキュリティ管理体制 統括する情報セキュリティ管理責任者を定め、ISMS管理体制を構築する。
- 4.教育及び訓練 全従業員に職務に応じて必要な教育及び訓練を実施し、意識の向上と規定を周知徹底します。
- 5.契約・法令等の遵守 関係する法令や規則及びお客様との契約を厳格に履行し、情報資産のセキュリティを確保します。
- 6.罰則 基本方針及び規定に違反した従業員は、就業規則に法って懲戒を受ける事があります。